Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DIY Organic Essential Oil Candles

Lately, I have been OBSESSED with Young Living Essential Oils. They have been amazing for my family's health and they smell so good!

If you want information on how to get started with Young Living, comment below and I will contact you.

Many people have been asking me how I make my organic candles.  These are great because they don't have harmful chemicals. So here is the how-to.

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I ordered this off Amazon. They have different sizes available but I loved that this didn't have any chemicals in it. 

You can pick these up from you local craft store or online. They are so much easier than trying to feed the wick into the metal holder. 
Using whatever glass jar you like, set-up the wicks. I took these craft sticks and drilled tiny holes in them. If you don't want to use a drill bit, you could maybe improvise with card stock. 

Then using a double boiler or creating the effect with other items in your kitchen, melt the wax.  After you melt the wax, add the oils. 
I used these three and it is one of my favorite combos! How much oil you use depends on how many candles you are making. For six candles, I did about 6-10 drops of each. 

After the oil is in the melted wax, pour it into glass jars. 

When the candle is dry, cut the extra wick off and put the lid on the jar. 

There you have it! It is a great gift idea as well!  Don't throw the extra wick away! 
You can save those and use them next time around. 


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